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The Ultimate Guide to Assessing & Hiring App Developers in Africa

February 21, 2024

Measuring software experience, reviewing portfolios and making sure they can deliver what you need – this is the 12-step guide to assessing & hiring top app developers in Africa

Looking to build an app to streamline or drive new business?

You don’t need to invest more or look further than necessary – Africa has some incredibly skilled, high-powered software developers who, thanks to favourable exchange rates, can deliver top-tier tech products for a quarter of the development cost.

See for example how much it costs to develop an app in South Africa.

As with any business investment, though, software is a vital tool, and you want the best money can buy. So we’ve put together a guide to help you navigate the tech space and learn how to assess and hire the best app developers for your project, right here in Africa.

12 Strategies to Identify the Best App Developers for Your Needs

Follow these tips and best practices to identify and select the ideal app development partner. By systematically working through the list, you'll be able to refine your potential candidates to those who best fit your requirements.

1. Start by Comparing a Few App Developers

When starting your search for app developers, you can cast a wide net. A quick Google search can give you a broad list of potential candidates. Once you have this list, narrow down your options by focusing on developers who specialise in the type of app you need. 

Different developers have expertise in various app types, including enterprise, consumer, gaming, web, mobile, FinTech, and E-commerce.

Also useful are aggregator/listing sites like Clutch, which gives you detailed profiles, client reviews, and ratings for app development companies, helping you gauge their reliability, quality of work, and client satisfaction. Filtering by location, budget, and specific services, these platforms can also help you zero in on app developers that best fit your needs. 

For example, Specno’s profile on Clutch showcases our portfolio, reviews, and industry reputation, offering a transparent view of our capabilities.

2. Consider Your Budget

Budget considerations are critical when choosing app developers. Development costs can vary widely based on factors like the developer's location, the complexity of the project, and the development process used. African app developers, for instance, often offer highly competitive rates compared to their counterparts in North America or Europe.

Leveraging regional advantages, you can often reduce development costs by up to a quarter and get faster development and iteration times, helping you get to market faster without compromising quality.

It's important to get detailed quotes from potential app developers. Look for transparent pricing models that reflect both the initial development and long-term support and maintenance fees.

For instance, Specno offers various cost-saving strategies for app development and design, including low-code development, which can cut development expenses by 60-80%.

3. Review the Developer's Portfolio

What app developers worked on in the past, and for whom, can tell you a lot about their capabilities and expertise. Go over their past projects to evaluate the design, functionality, and user experience of the apps they’ve built. Look for depth of experience in their portfolio – do they have experience in your specific industry or app type? For example, if you need a FinTech app, it’s crucial to find app developers who have successfully completed similar projects.

Also, look at the clients they’ve worked with. Reputable companies or businesses comparable to yours in their portfolio indicate the developer's credibility and proficiency. 

For instance, Specno’s development portfolio includes a wide range of apps in various industries, from retail and FinTech to logistics and networking, showcasing our ability to handle diverse project requirements.

4. Assess their Reputation

Experience and expertise are not just about technical skills; they encompass an understanding of market dynamics and industry-specific challenges. Consider the developer’s background for industry recognition, awards, and certifications. These accolades can serve as indicators of their proficiency and respect within the industry.

At Specno, our collection of industry awards and recognition, including being named a Top Company on Clutch as well as Top App Development Company and Best Cross-Platform Developer in 2024, speaks to our commitment to excellence.

5. Look for the Full-Cycle of Development Services

Not every app development company in Africa offers the full cycle of development services you need to go from an initial idea through to deployment and the support and maintenance beyond that. 

It’s best to look at a partner who can help with early-stage ideation, concept validation, prototyping and rapid iteration, as well as MVP development, app design, web app development and mobile app development. (View the entire app development process, important app costs and timelines and what you should know before you start developing an app.) The best partner should also be able to help with optimisation such as UX/UI audits and redesign, full maintenance and support, and software scaling. We even outsource developers or help you build your own development team.

Working with app developers that provide end-to-end services ensures continuity and consistency throughout the development process. It also means they can support you through future updates and improvements, ensuring your app evolves with changing market demands and user needs. 

At Specno, for instance, we offer comprehensive development services, from concept validation to post-launch optimisation, ensuring your app remains relevant and functional.

6. Evaluate the Design Process

The design process is a crucial element of app development that significantly impacts the final product. A well-structured design process includes several stages: wireframing, journey mapping, concept creation, storyboarding, and prototyping. Each stage plays a vital role in shaping the app's user experience and functionality.

UI/UX design is vital for determining how users interact with your app. An intuitive, aesthetically pleasing design can enhance user satisfaction and retention. Ensure the app developers place a strong emphasis on UX design and employ best practices to create a seamless user experience.

Specno’s approach to app design emphasises creating engaging and user-friendly experiences through meticulous design processes – see our app design process, design costs and how long it takes to design an app.  

7. Look For a Multidisciplinary Team

The size and composition of the development team can significantly impact your project. A small team might struggle with complex projects, leading to delays and increased costs. On the other hand, a large team with diverse expertise can handle different aspects of development simultaneously, ensuring a smoother and faster process.

Successful app development requires a multidisciplinary team that includes UX/UI designers, software developers, product managers, scrum masters, and consultants. Each specialist brings a unique skill set essential for different stages of the project. A well-rounded team can help ensure your product meets high standards of functionality and performance. 

At Specno, we’ve built a robust team of specialists to deliver efficient and high-quality app development.

8. Look for Customisation and Support

Successful apps need to evolve and grow over time. As your business scales, your app must be able to adapt to new requirements and market conditions. Look for app developers who offer customisation options and are capable of scaling the app as needed. This ensures your app remains relevant and functional as your needs change.

Long-term support and maintenance are equally important. Regular updates, bug fixes, and new feature additions are essential to keep the app running smoothly and maintain user satisfaction. Ensure the app developers provide comprehensive support and maintenance services, including performance monitoring, security updates, and user feedback incorporation. 

Specno for instance, offers full maintenance and support, software scaling, developer outsourcing and even building your own development team for a resilient and adaptable product.

9. Consultative Approach

The ideal app developers do more than just execute your instructions; they act as consultants that broaden your tech ecosystem expertise and can challenge your assumptions, propose new ideas, and offer insights from other industries.

App developers who offer tech consulting services across various stages of venture building can help you refine your project’s scope, identify potential pitfalls, and suggest improvements. This collaborative approach ensures that you leverage their expertise to create a more robust and innovative app. 

At Specno, we bring the collective expertise of a team experienced in developing over 200 tech ventures, offering valuable insights and guidance throughout the development process.

10. Review their Approach to Project Management

Project management is a critical aspect of app development, as it affects the project's timeline, quality, and overall success. Traditional project management approaches may not be suitable for the dynamic and iterative nature of app development. Instead, methodologies like Agile, Lean, and Design Thinking are commonly used.

Agile methodology focuses on iterative development, allowing for frequent reassessment and adaptation. Lean methodology emphasises efficiency and waste reduction, ensuring resources are used optimally. Design Thinking prioritises user-centric design, ensuring the app meets user needs and expectations. Understanding the app developers' project management approach helps to ensure they can handle your project effectively and adapt to changes as needed. 

Specno’s Agile development process includes dedicated product owners and sprint-based progress, ensuring a responsive and efficient project management approach.

11. Check References and Client Reviews

Client reviews and references provide valuable insights into app developers' reliability and quality of work. Look for consistent positive feedback and testimonials from past clients. This information can reveal the developers' strengths and potential areas of concern.

Developers with a strong track record of satisfied clients are likely to be reliable partners for your project. 

For instance, Specno’s reviews on Clutch provide a transparent view of our client feedback and project outcomes.

12. Do a Consultation

Lastly, a consultation is the best way to gauge app developers' suitability for your project. Most developers offer free consultations, which provide an opportunity to discuss your project in detail, ask questions, and understand their approach.

During the consultation, evaluate their communication skills, enthusiasm for your project, and ability to understand your vision. Ask about their development process, team structure, project management approach, and past experiences.

Specno offers consultations to help you navigate the complexities of app development and find the best fit for your needs – get in touch here.

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